11 High-Fiber Foods That You'll Actually Enjoy!

11 High-Fiber Foods That You'll Actually Enjoy! - AURA Nutrition

11 High-Fiber Foods That You'll Actually Enjoy! | AURA Nutrition

You know you need to eat more fibre. You know the reasons why from bikini bod to just better overall health. What & Why are easy, the snag sometimes is How. Porridge? UGH. Here are 11 high-fibre foods that you’ll always look forward to:

1. Half-Cup Chia Seeds = 150% of RDA

    Soak overnight:

    1/2 cup chia
    1 tsp raw cacao
    1/2 tsp cinnamon
    1 tbsp maple syrup
    1.5 cups water


    60-second prep and you have chocolate chia pudding for breakfast. That means you’ll cover a full day’s worth of fibre before everyone else is even awake.

    Bonus: 15 grams of protein and a healthy dose of omegas built right in.

    Time Saver: Make a week’s worth at a time, it holds in the fridge perfectly. That’s 60 seconds very well spent.

    2. One Cup Banana Chips = 40% of RDA

    Can you think of a better instant energy boost? And who doesn’t love crunch? Easy to dehydrate at home but also sold everywhere.

    3. One Cup Pistachios = 50% of RDA

    Swap out the cheese for pistachios in your home-made pesto, you won’t believe the flavour, so good. …Or just munch on raw pistachios. It’s a terrific late-night food, making you feel satiated and oblivious to the cookie jar.

    4. One Cup Sun-Dried Tomatoes = 27% of RDA


    1 cup sun-dried tomatoes
    1/2 cup avocado oil
    clove garlic
    oregano = Your new favourite salad dressing that is high fibre, happy brain food, and keeps you away from processed dressings.

    5. One Artichoke = 41% of RDA

    SO easy to keep a jar in the fridge and just toss one or two on any meal. Don’t feel limited to salads, think of artichokes as a great side dish. Just 3 of them and you’ve got a full day’s worth of fibre. Soaked in organic olive oil with herbs and spice, they’re irresistible! No wonder they call them artichoke hearts <3

    6. Four Tablespoons Sesame Seeds = 40% of RDA

    Spread out over a dish and roll your energy balls in them, whether you made the energy balls yourself or not! Who says you can’t “modify up” what you got at the store?

    7. One Cup Dried Apricots = 38% of RDA

    A snack you can munch on whenever, wherever, from office meeting to sitting in traffic!

    8. 1 Avocado = 37% of RDA

    Fibre aside, avocado is loaded with nutrients and healthy fat, and who doesn’t love Avocado Toast?

    9. One Cup Split Peas = 65% of RDA

    Our favourite soup just got better. BTW, 33% of your RDA in protein per cup. But whoever has just one cup? A small bowl of comforting soup means over 100% of your daily fibre needs and 2/3 your protein.

    10. One Cup Chickpeas = 139% of RDA

    Hummus rose to stardom far beyond the Mediterranean and high fibre is one more reason why.

    11. One Cup Raspberries = 32% of RDA

    Check out our 2-ingredient, under 200-calorie, 20-second smoothie recipe below, and wait until you see the pretty colour of this in your glass!

    There it is, Kate’s 11. No need to break into a Vegas vault for fibre. And no need to eat foods you don’t enjoy. Great, right? Share this with a friend or just plain share it.

    FOOD REFERENCES: Nutrition Data

    Kate Marshall is an AURA Team member with a passion for health, fitness and wellness.

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